Monday, November 17, 2008


There have been a few project ideas already posted and for those of you that have emailed me, I will start adding them as comments to this post.  Please use the comment function below to add your ideas for projects.

Here are a few of the ideas we discussed at the committee meeting last week.

Sustainable Awareness Project | Help people in need upgrade their homes to make them more efficient and more sustainable with good design in mind. This can also be an awareness project where we have a competition to design a better looking efficient or sustainable item.  We might be able to team up with the Sustainability Institute.
Crossing the Crosstown | Create a pathing, and signage which will make automobiles more aware of the pedestrians that are crossing. Signs could include ways for educating the pedestrians about safety while crossing. Ideas, planning, and implementation should be done in one to two days. This can culminate with a kick-off party, for our next project, in the park on Line St. or in front of Mitchell Elementary School.
Playground Redux | Select a park that is either in dis-repair, under used, lacking in equipment to refurbish.  We might even look for a place that a formal park doesn't exist, but the neighborhood uses.  This project could be a competition, we would need to raise the funds initially and use the amount of money as a restriction to the project.  There needs to be involvement from the community that uses the park, which will also be a requirement of any participant in the competition.
Accessible Ramp | A lot of us really like the basic idea behind this project.  We have access to lists of people in need.  We should be able to fund the project easily and hopefully a few times over to help as many people as possible.  Client involvement with the design team is vital.
Transportable Elderly Cottage | This should be a goal for the year, but definitely need to be more established to take this on.  We are still very intrigued by this project, and we hope to take it on in the near future.

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